Professors of Literacy & Teacher Education SIG 2019 Annual Session Creating a culture of literacy: Responding to the trends and needs of educators in an ever-changing world Session Schedule is Saturday, October 12, 2019, from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, Room 271
We are pleased to be offering our members another opportunity to share their current research through our annual Roundtable Discussion Session. In order to maximize time for the discussions, we will not have a keynote speaker. Instead we will open our session with a welcome from PLTE's Chair and conduct our Business Meeting. Then we will move into the Roundtable Discussion Session. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in New Orleans, LA for ILA 2019.
We are pleased to be offering our members the opportunity to present their current research, receive feedback, and network. Please see the Roundtable Session Program below for more information.