PRTE Symposium at The 18th European Conference On Reading August 6-9, 2013
The Professors of Reading Teacher Educators (PRTE) Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association announces a call for proposals for the PRTE Symposium at the 18th European Conference on Reading in Jonkoping, Sweden on August 6-9, 2013. The European Conference theme is New Challenges and New Literacies.
The theme of the PRTE Symposium will be “Addressing the challenges of a shifting educational policy environment and new literacies through literacy teacher education programs.” All PRTE Symposium proposals must clearly indicate how the session addresses the theme. Further, proposals must clearly address of one of the European Conference subthemes listed below:
All presenters understand that travel to and from the conference in Sweden is at their own expense and PRTE does not assume any responsibility/liability for such travel. More specific information regarding the European Conference may be obtained from (Swedish Council of the International Reading Association). Thank you! Chyrese S. Wolf, Ed.D. Chicago State University PRTE Symposium Chair Tours of Sweden![]() Tours of Sweden are being arranged through Nordic Saga Tours. Contact Susie Main regarding all arrangements at [email protected]. Dr. Larry Kenney ([email protected]) is leading a tour of the Scandinavian capital cities of Oslo, Copenhagen, Helsinki, and Stockholm from July 28-August 5.
PRTE Symposium ProgramComparative Literacy Teacher Education a Focus on Writing Instruction: Professors of Reading Teacher Educators Keynote Presentation: Title: Teacher preparation, standards, and writing instruction: Comparative analysis of European, Canadian and the United States literacy education policy. Presenter: Dr. Chyrese S. Wolf, Associate Professor, Chicago State University, Chicago, IL, USA. PRTE Symposium Planning Committee Members for the 18th European Conference on Reading, Jonkoping, Sweden, August 2013
A Message from the International Liaison![]() Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Chyrese S. Wolf, Ed.D., a tenured associate professor in the Elementary Education Department at Chicago State University. I teach language, literacy and reading courses at the graduate and undergraduate level. My purpose today is to reach out to you in my role as PRTE international liaison. Please be assured that I am with you in spirit as you enjoy camaraderie and scholarship in one of IRA’s finest SIGs, Professors of Reading Teacher Educators.
It has been a very busy year for the international division of PRTE. First, we were accepted to present a symposium at the 18th European Conference on Reading in Jonkoping, Sweden in August 2013. The symposium schedule including the announcement of the planning committee and accepted presenters is attached for your convenience to this memo. |